Saturday, February 29, 2020

Case study of the Image Cafe

Case study of the Image Cafe Image Cafà © was founded by Clarence Wooten in 1998. Prior to that he was also a founded of Envision Designs while he was an undergraduate in 1991 and Metamorphosis Studios in 1994 with co-founder Andre Forde. However, the three company did not really last long. In 1998, Metamorphosis Studios had sold to Medisolv, Inc and Image Cafà © was acquired by Network Solution after sever months of market launch (Clarence Wooten, Jr., 2005). About Clarence Wooten, Jr. Clarence Wooten had a big dream since childhood. His dream is to get rich someday. His childhood hobby was playing with computer games. He was so obsessed with computer that his parents banned him at the age of 14 (Kathryn F, Spinelli, 2004: 33-40). At the age of 18, he attended college to study architecture in Catonsville Community College. During that time he believes that by taking up architecture courses can satisfy his creative instincts. In the early 1990s, many professional architects went back to school to upgrade them selves due to the recession. At that point of time, he manages to learn from the senior architects. After the first two failure of his business, he realised that he did not really understand anything about finance after he read the stories from Fred Smith, Reginald Lewis and Bill Gates. This had inspired him to upgrade himself with a business administration and finance. In 1998, he was graduated with B.S. in Business Administration from Johns Hopkins University (Kathryn F, Spinelli, 2004: 33-40). Clarence Wooten, Jr. Venture Spirit Clarence Wooten started Envision Design which was his first business while he enrolled for Catonsville Community College. The type of service he was offering was using form and cardboard to model out a proposed building. The company did not perform well during that time and eventually closed down (Kathryn F, Spinelli, 2004: 33-40). In 1994, Clarence Wooten started his second company Metamorphosis Studios with his co-founded Andre Forde by focusing on spec ial effects and multimedia presentations. Their first customer is Bingwa, an educational software company. However, Bingwa require Metamorphosis Studios to relocate to Princeton, New Jersey and worked for Bingwa. After a thought Clarence Wooten and Andre Forde turned down the offer as they know they are heading for something big (Kathryn F, Spinelli, 2004: 33-40). Metamorphosis Studios was not a successful project too, in 1998 Metamorphosis Studios was acquired by MediSolv, Inc (Clarence Wooten, Jr., 2005). In early 1998, Clarence Wooten started his third company Image Cafà ©. Back in 1995, internet service began to grow. Many companies had started to create their own companies website in order to promote their products and services over the World Wide Web. However, during that time, many companies do not have their own expertise to create a website. Clarence Wooten knew that this is an opportunity and started Image Cafà © to help companies by design their website to promote their products and services over the web (Kathryn F, Spinelli, 2004: 33-40). At the start of Image Cafà ©, Clarence Wooten went around to search for capital in order to start his business. What Clarence Wooten wants was $300,000 capital based on $3 million valuation. In total he received $110,000 from 10 different investors. Image Cafà © website was ready to launch after four month of preparation. However, at that point of time, Clarence Wooten had utilised the cash during the launch. He went back to the existing investors to ask for additional $150,000 in form of bridge loan. This time, Clarence Wooten expects to raise $3million at $10 million valuation (Kathryn F, Spinelli, 2004: 33-40).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Management of medical equipment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Management of medical equipment - Essay Example The acquisition subcycle is further subdivided into the following phases: technology assessment, technology planning, acquisition, acceptance, and finally replacement and disposal (Chan, 2003). Technology assessment includes the assessment of the technology or in this case the equipment, mostly in relation to its safety and performance, as well as its projected effect in terms of patient outcomes and its impact on the economic and ethical elements of healthcare (Vallejo-Torres,, 2008). Medical technology and equipment are evaluated in general terms and in relation to other technologies, procedures and interventions. The goal of medical technology assessment is to ensure objective as well as quality data which can be used by stakeholders in their decision-making (Vallejo-Torres,, 2008). The general application of the technology assessment is on the assessment of technologies and equipment after they are introduced in the marketplace. Other experts and researchers however are also quick to point out that new technologies must be assessed before they are incorporated into the clinical practice (Pietzsch and Pate-Cornell, 2008). By evaluating the technology and equipment in the soonest possible time, it is possible to improve health outcomes, reduce wrong investments, and prevent possible ethical issues arising from these technologies (Pietzsch and Pate-Cornell, 2008). Technology planning is the next phase in the acquisition subcycle (Dyro, 2004). This planning phase includes an interdisciplinary planning process alongside years of experience in hospital management and construction, ensuring the establishment of functional procedures within the clinical practice (Hospital Technology, 2012). Planning medical technology...Medical technology and equipment are evaluated in general terms and in relation to other technologies, procedures and interventions. Planning medical technology also includes the acquisition of large-scale medical equipment including M RI, CT, PET-CT, and angiographies among others (Hospital Technology, 2012). The acquisition of the technology includes the actual purchase of the equipment itself. The last phase of the acquisition process is the replacement and disposal of the medical equipment. Unreliable equipment is also usually replaced. Where medical equipment is deemed unserviceable, it is also the responsibility of equipment services managers to indicate to the concerned department managers about the need for equipment replacement. Utilisation subcycle The other phase in the medical equipment lifecycle is the utilisation subcycle. Quality assurance is carried out in order to identify defective medical equipment (David, 2003). Utilisation subcycle and clinical governance Where the users of the equipment are properly trained, the risk to the patient and the medical staff is reduced. The training in equipment use would also include how the users can maintain the equipment, and this process usually includes the daily cleaning and maintenance of the equipment (Pardeshi, 2005). Quality assurance processes often involves routine maintenance and routine equipment check by the technicians as well as independent quality assurance agencies (WHO, 2013). Medical equipment management is an important aspect of the efficient delivery of healthcare services.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

2 to 3 page Bible College Administrative Report to be done in APA Essay

2 to 3 page Bible College Administrative Report to be done in APA Format - Essay Example Although established only in 1992, it has a combined instructional history of 130 years (Rocky Mountain College, 2009a, p. 5). RMC offers 2 one-year certificates on Christian Discipleship, 3 two-year diplomas (Christian Leadership, Global Studies & Theatre Arts), a three-year degree on Religious Studies, and 4 four-year degree programs on Human Services, Leadership Development, Music & Theology (Rocky Mountain College, 2009a, p. 22). Founded in 1992 through the cooperation of Lithuanian, Canadian and American foundations, LCC is based in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Its aim is to produce Christian professionals who will actively participate in community projects (LCC, 2009a). LCC offers four undergraduate courses (Business Administration, English Language and Literature, Psychology and Theology) and a Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (LCC, 2009c). Although LCC operates in several countries as a nonprofit organization, it is generally governed by an independent Board of Directors, which is composed of members from North America and Lithuania (LCC, 2009b). It can be seen through the chart above how bible colleges, depending on their size and the breadth of the courses they offer, differ when it comes to governance and organizational structure. While their similarities are obvious, their differences are indistinct and needs a closer look. It must be noted, however, that the exact nature of two out of the three Christian Colleges studied here do not present complete data regarding the hierarchy of power and accountability. Thus, this comparative analysis is based on the available data and the inferences that can be drawn from them. Liberty University is governed primarily by the Chancellor and the President of the Board of Trustees, which is the same person. He is also the son of the founder and the President of the Board of Trustees Committees. Even though managing this large